May 04, 2005

My First Afghan

I have a headache right now, so my writing will not be its most coherent. I have worked somewhere between 35 and 50 hours on this afghan. It was made with Mainstays Dark Sage yarn and a pattern that came with it, called Diamond Trellis. It is a gift for my boyfriend's birthday. I sure hope he likes it. If not, I may cry. Because - 35 to 50 hours!

Unfortunately, I am me, so I am not satisfied with it. I thought I would be, but it turns out one end is much wider than the other. I folded it and it seemed all right, so I'm not going to worry about it. After all, he certainly couldn't crochet any better. It will just be one of those things that nags me. As I was on the last set of rows when I realized this difference, I thought it would be stupid to go frogging it. Far too much work. Better to have one that's not perfect than to work that hard and have nothing at all, especially since the boyf's birthday is tomorrow.

So, here you are:

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And there you have it. My First Afghan.


Victoria said...

Well, if Will doesn't like it, you can send it to me, because I think it's BEAUTIFUL! :D

Little Willow said...

Happy birthday to Will! :) It looks great. I like the deep color.

Jewels said...

it looks great to me - I think he should be really impressed!!

Rebecca said...

i'm a little behind in reading... your very first? it's gorgeous! you did a wonderful job :)